The Gaza Children Project

To help 370,000 traumatised children...


GAZA’s disaster has been all over the media especially the non-controlled social media and alternative media, however the aftermath is not just demolished houses, schools, infrastructure, but worse…namely the 370,000 children that are severely traumatised.

These children are the future of Gaza, if these children do not get trauma counselling it will effect in great measure throughout their childhood and adulthood. This would cause a broken people to be the next generation of Gaza with terrible consequences.

UNICEF reported that they only have a small capacity to help 4,000 children, these kids have seen untold bloodshed many have lost their parents, siblings and loved ones. I commend the Arab world for working hard on the rebuilding of the infrastructure, meanwhile these kids need help we must act now.


With an acclaimed expert trauma counselling team we go to Gaza and we will train the local people how to do group trauma counselling and then roll this out through the schools, where a stage 2 of the advance of the project comes in to place. This way ALL 370,000 children will receive the desperate counselling they need.

The support of this mission, is the support of this and future generations.

This is a mission of LOVE, hence the hashtag #LoveForGazaKids.


Included in phase 2 of this project is the production of a documentary film, as we will film in Gaza the work done including interesting interviews with key people who have been doing a great work in Gaza, to augment the cause, sharing the project’s message worldwide.